Computer Science Club is designed to teach students programming, algorithms and problem solving, basic computer concepts such as binary numbers, logic gates, and even lab work to build actual circuits with LEDs, wires, resistors, and logic gates.

We use Scratch for elementary students. Using Scratch, a graphical programming language developed by MIT, students learn fundamental programming concepts and create exciting and fun games.
Python is used for middle and high school students. Python is one of the most popular high-level programming languages designed to be easy to read and simple to implement. Students learn to program by developing fun games such as classic pong and hangman, and more complex games like blackjack. Visit our website: and click on Gamezone to see some of the student created games.

Students also participate in two nationwide computer programming competitions:

  • ACSL, or the American Computer Science League, is an international computer science competition among more than 200 schools. Each round consists of two parts: a written section and a programming section. Written topics tested include: "what does this program do?", digital electronics, Boolean algebra, computer numbering systems, recursive functions, data structures, etc.
  • USACO, or the USA Computing Olympiad is a computer programming competition for secondary school students in the United States. The USACO offers six competitions during the academic year for students at four increasingly difficult levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Participants in the USACO submit programs in one of five languages, C, C++, Java, Pascal, and Python. Participants advance through the levels by performing well in their current division.